sibylle chaudhuri | coaching & training
Systemic and NLP Coach
Newsletter - April 2011
"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
A few days ago I was having a little lunch break in the garden enjoying the beautiful sunshine together with my cat. When one of my lovely neighbours was addressing me, "Hi Billy, how is life treating you?" And that actually made me reflect on life.
Is life really treating us in any special way? Or is it more the way we look at things? It is all about how we perceive our experiences. Is our glass half full or half empty?
Please, take a few minutes and think about the following:
When one door closes in your life, do you keep looking back to that closed door? Or are you using all your senses and your gut feeling to find the new door opening widely in front of you?
Everything has positives and negatives, right!? So, in case life throws something at you, are you trying to discover the positives and grab the challenge to make the most out of it? Or are you a bit of a pessimist and wallow in self-pity?
Do you embrace change and its opportunities? Or are you constantly trying to hold on to what you know and is familiar to you?
Try to be a little more adventurous and look out for challenges. Enjoy change and the surprises it brings into your life. You will be amazed how much more alive you are going to feel when you welcome change in your life and use the advantages it brings with it.
Have you already read my monthly quotation for April and my short excursion?
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to family, friends and colleagues. This is a monthly newsletter.
I wish you a happy, sunny and fun filled Easter.
Be well and in balance,
sibylle Chaudhuri
coaching & training
Systemic and NLP Coach
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Everything provided in this newsletter is for informational and/or educational purposes only. It is supposed to make you think. What you do and what not is your
decision only.
The given content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychological and/or legal advice, diagnosis, treatment or consulting. Please consult your physician, therapist, lawyer regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your concerns, symptoms and/or medical condition.
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© sibylle chaudhuri | coaching & training