sibylle chaudhuri | coaching & training


Systemic and NLP Coach


Newsletter - July 2011


Make it bloom :-)


"People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong ... Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?"
Thich Nhat Hanh


Very often we tend to focus on negative things in our lives. We do this by criticising, resenting, being jealous, complaining, having too high expectations, etc. By doing so we bring too much negativity in our lives; and all of a sudden life seems complicated, sad, not fair, etc.


When we focus on what we don't have our brilliant mind will immediately try to find a solution. It starts to look for reasons why we do not have all the things that we wish for so desperately. This activity of our brain brings us into a state where we start dwelling on our weaknesses, and this let's us perceive our live in an even more negative light. Sometimes it may even seem as if there is no way out - frustration takes over.


It is so easy to dissolve negativity in our lives, to let the sun shine again and be happy and balanced.


How is that possible?


Just by focusing on all the good things in our lives and there is always enough to be grateful for.


Take a moment and think about what you are grateful for today.

Here are some examples what I am grateful for today:

  • Being alive and healthy
  • Having enough to eat
  • Having a roof above my head
  • Being able to live in peace in a safe country
  • Access to clean water for drinking, washing, taking a shower, etc.
  • Having the best husband and brother in the world
  • My lovely parents still being alive, fit and healthy
  • My friends
  • My cuddly cat
  • Being able to read and write
  • Having had a proper education
  • Having a chance of life-long learning
  • The sun shining every day (even when it is covered by clouds ;-))
  • Etc.


There is so much good permanently offered to us every single day. We can think, write, speak and feel gratitude and it is a great feeling. Suddenly everything is much better again. Life seems friendlier and easier ... a little bit like my favourite song: "Summertime and the living is easy ..." (George Gershwin - "Porgy and Bess", text written by DuBose Heyward). Just let the sun shine in your heart by being grateful.


You can use a nice diary and a pen in your favourite colour to write down what you are grateful for, just write everything down that comes into your mind. You will see how much better you will feel immediately; and it creates a wonderful balance in your life.


Make your life bloom :-).

Have you already read my monthly quotation for July and my short excursion?


Please feel free to forward this e-mail to family, friends and colleagues. This is a monthly newsletter.


Go and have some fun every day, enjoy life and be well,


sibylle chaudhuri
coaching & training


Systemic and NLP Coach

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Everything provided in this newsletter is for informational and/or educational purposes only. It is supposed to make you think. What you do and what not is your decision only.


The given content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychological and/or legal advice, diagnosis, treatment or consulting. Please consult your physician, therapist, lawyer regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your concerns, symptoms and/or medical condition.


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