sibylle chaudhuri | coaching & training


Systemic and NLP Coach


Seasonal thoughts - 2010


"Sometimes I go about in pity myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky."
Ojibwe Saying


Hello again,


I know you received already my December Newsletter, I wished you well for the festival season and the New Year previously, etc.

There is just one more thing I wanted to tell you. Today I had one of those days when I go about in pity myself. Yes, I am a coach and now enough NLP exercises to be able to get out of this. However, even I just want to wallow a bit in self-pity now and then ;-).


And as the Ojibwe saying promises, a great wind came along to carry me across the sky. This wind came to me in form of an e-mail from a friend wishing me Merry Christmas. The e-mail had a beautiful attachment and I wanted you all to see it as well. So, here it is, I hope you will enjoy watching it:


Count your blessings


Please feel free to forward this e-mail to family, friends and colleagues. This is a monthly newsletter.


Once more I wish you a wonderful festival seaon and a fantastic 2011.


Be happy, be well,



sibylle Chaudhuri
coaching & training


Systemic and NLP Coach

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